Things I Love About My Job

I thought I’d introduce a more personal note to this post – I’m fortunate I have a job I am passionate about and really enjoy and I thought I’d share a few thoughts on the positive side of my work.  So, in no particular order, I love:

    • it when a reserved child gains enough confidence to leave their carer’s lap and join in activities by themselves; and conversely I love it when a lively child sits, concentrates and then taps out a steady pulse for the first time
    • the first time a baby copies an action and joins in with clapping or tapping or moving – those chubby hands clapping are joy
    • the natural inquisitiveness of children who will approach and watch, (or approach and poke!) when playing live on instruments such as my flute, autoharp or ukulele.  I’m always amazed at how they stop, look and listen so intently and react so positively to live music
    • the anticipation on a child’s face when playing peekaboo – yes, we do come back, every time!
    • the excitement of the bubbles, especially with babies when those arms and legs start pumping away or the toddlers with their pointy finger dance and cries of “ubble!”.
    • the smiles and obvious enjoyment when the children hear the train arriving and we launch into our theme song – even the youngest ones get excited
    • being able to ‘borrow’ a baby for some activities (there are currently a lot of twins in my classes) and have the privilege of snuggling up to a warm furry head or watch them smile as they swing through the air in a circle dance
    • using the parachute, rainbow scrunchie and stretchy lycra where the whole group is working together and interacting
    • being creative and able to write simple songs and then seeing how the children react.  One of my current favourites is a very simple song “clap and clap and clap and stop!” (which is sung to the first part of Polly Put the Kettle On) which I use with older toddler and pre-school groups.  It’s great for listening skills, lots of fun, yet so simple
    • in the longer term being able to watch children grow, discover and develop their musicality.

I am privileged to do something I love.  So thank you to all the lovely children (and your parents) who’ve made my job such fun and such a pleasure over the years.